Saturday, April 26, 2008


Cupertino (Toyokawa) Cherry Blossom Festival
Sometimes it is enjoyable to spent a day by ourself..
That's what I did today.
I went to Cherry Blossom Festical in Memorial Park (near DeAnza college), There was a good performace; Taiko (Japanese musical/drum)

That's not all, after that I went to Santana Row.
I was supposed to study for GMAT since I might be taking MBA in SJSU.
but I wa enjoying an outdoor Jazz.
Then I went to Borders to study, which is also enjoyable ^^

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


but this is not Bokap Nyokap..
This is a bad Offensive Foul.
Apparently somebody was confused between bsktbll & football.
He charged at me and I fell back, landed on my left side.

Actually there's other part of my body that was also injured,
but I don't think that I want to take(& post) picture of it ;p

(I landed on my left palm & left @$$)

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Coding under pressure..

It is actually fun!!
I'm referring to the thrill of coding under pressure.
My class was canceled today. Instead, the professor's giving us Lab project to do.
I didn't know about it. Luckily my teammate called me to ask some questions.
It was already almost 7 at that time.
I took a quick look at the lab project.
It's due @9PM.
Then my sister called asking me to pick her up.
I told her about the project, but I insist of picking her up anyway.
I'm pretty confident that I can finish it on time.
after I get back, I started coding..
It's not as easy as I thought, and there are a lot of them.
During the last few minutes it's kinda hard for me to concentrate.
There are 5 numbers on the last part.
While working on #4, I already thought that I won't be able to finish #5.
I kept looking at the time, there's only less than 5 min left till 9.
I almost gave up on #4 and start working on the last one,
when it finally worked.
There's still time, but it's only less than 3 minutes left.
I felt like those hackers in movies when they have to type and code real fast to beat the time and finally finished just a few seconds left.
I actually finished at 8:59, but who knows how many seconds actually left ;p