A lil sumthin from my G..

There are so many new phones coming out, new black shiny phones..
But none of which i'd like to replace my jPh1 with ;p
The Sony X1 and Nokia N96 are really appealing tho..
Apparently, the trend now is 2.8 - 3" touchscreen.
it seems to be a good size for a touchscreen smartphone.
Here are some of them:
Sony Ericsson's XPERIA X1
Nokia N96
HTC Advantage X7510
HTC P3470
LG kf700
Toshiba Protege g810
and not to forget.. Google Android
There is a saying that Pictures say a thousand words.. Please witness my daily's as I try to represent them in this picture-blog.. P.S. Thx 2 my jPh1 4 enabling me to capture these moments anytime anywhere, and upload them here ;)